

22 January 2025

By: VR

How to concurrently achieve economic, environmental, and animal welfare performances in French suckler cattle farms

Today's farming systems must remain economically viable, while meeting society's expectations in terms of animal welfare and environmental externalities. This study looks at the extent to which it is possible to simultaneously achieve all these performances at a high level on French suckler cattle farms. This objective is what we call multi-performance.

28 August 2023

By: JS

Aromatic and microbiological signature of natural grasslands

Multiple studies carried out at INRAE Auvergne Rhône-Alpes have demonstrated that there is such a thing as a “grazing effect” on the sensory properties and quality of milk, cheese, butter and meat...

27 July 2023

By: JS

Carcass characteristics and beef quality of young grass-fed Angus x Salers bovines

Young grass-fed Angus x Salers bovines produce lean meat, while being rich in omega 3 fatty acids and of an organoleptic quality judged "better than average".

24 May 2023

By: Herbipole

Marcenat: Reportage "When advanced technology contributes to animal welfare"

Radio report of France Inter on the site of Marcenat on "When advanced technology contributes to animal welfare".